Starry Ideas: What has caught my eye while learning to STOP!

I just read Thesis Whisperers latest post about Why do academics work so much? And I couldn’t help but find myself nodding at pretty much everything at that Inger wrote. I too have an extended break (but not because I’m transiting positions across universities).  I had the joy of having all of December and early January … Continue reading Starry Ideas: What has caught my eye while learning to STOP!

Starry ideas:Things I gave a star to in the past week

In recent times I have begun reading Daniel Pink’s book called A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future. I’m only just beginning but something that he writes early on triggered me to think about the information we access – the how, why, when, from whom. But most of all, the amount of … Continue reading Starry ideas:Things I gave a star to in the past week