Renewing and reinvigorating to work smarter

Over the end of year period I stopped. I think it was the first time in over 12 months that I actually truly stopped to reinvigorate my body and my mind, and most importantly to reflect about how I wanted to approach this new year. Some might call it a new year’s resolution but for … Continue reading Renewing and reinvigorating to work smarter

Tweeting as note taking

There are many ways to note take. One way I have been exploring my digital note taking is through Twitter. I have to compose my thoughts in 140 characters and this naturally lends itself to breaking down key areas, content, ideas, or links I want to capture. I’ve been participating in a large round table … Continue reading Tweeting as note taking

Starry Ideas: What has caught my eye while learning to STOP!

I just read Thesis Whisperers latest post about Why do academics work so much? And I couldn’t help but find myself nodding at pretty much everything at that Inger wrote. I too have an extended break (but not because I’m transiting positions across universities).  I had the joy of having all of December and early January … Continue reading Starry Ideas: What has caught my eye while learning to STOP!

Education Hashtags – Which ones inspire you?

Dr Narelle Lemon (@rellypops) 12/06/12 11:18 AM Great hints RT “@teachfine: 10 Education Hashtags to Follow on Twitter… via @EdTech_K12 This Tweet and subsequent blog post by @teachfine inspired some thinking about what hashtags I follow for inspiration and connections in learning and teaching. I like these streams as they are an initial contact point to current … Continue reading Education Hashtags – Which ones inspire you?